Friday, January 27, 2012


Robert E. Lee- Leader from the south, hailed from virgina, wanted by both North and South for his well known role as a general.
U.S. Grant- Leader from the union, a future president, also a very well known general.
Stonewall Jackson- Leader from the Union, Very relgious man, earned nickname stonewall from sitting on his horse, Little Sorel, while eating a peach.
Jeb Stuart- General from the confederacy, Known for his reconnoissance strategy, hailed from virginia, served under Stonewall Jackson at first then joined the confederate army.
General Sherman- General for the union army, considered the first modern general, First to accept surrender of the confederate army
Joe Hooker- General for Union army, Known for being a ladies man, and his surprising loss to Robert E. Lee
Joe Johnson- Confederate general, Engineer for the U.S. Military Academy, Was the full ranking general for the union but when virginia seceded from the union he resigned and was only appointed to fourth ranking full general.
Albert Sidney Johnson- Confederate general, Was the highest ranking officer, considered the best of the best by president Jefferson Davis, Died at the Battle of Shiloh
Cold Harbor
Sherman's March to the sea
Appomatox Courthouse
Bull Run
Winfield Scott
George McCellan
John Wilkes Booth
Cost of the civil war? Money and lives: $6,190,000,000. 1,094,453 people
What was the reconstruction? The curing of the two seperate subcultures, Slavery, and the breakdown of  a democratic political system.
Why did the North win the war? Bigger military force, bigger manufacturing force, railroad system, and the navy.

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