Tuesday, September 27, 2011

notes +

King Philip’s War
            -Summer 1676
            -Metacom/ King Philip
            -Vicious War/ Mohegan Indians

Nat Bacon’s Rebellion
            Governor Berkeley limits colonist expansion
            Bacon Raises troups and kills Indians.
            Berkeley declares Bacon an outlaw
            Bacon burns down Berkeley’s mansion
            British troops hang Bacon’s followers

Salem Witch Trials
Important: Shows the danger of church and state connection

Great Awakening
            Jonathan Edwards- Religious Revival: “Sinners in the hands of the Angry god”
            Heads to the founding of many universities:Princeton, Brown, Rutgers, Dartmouth
            Divisions of Church/state
            Spirit of toleration

John Peter Zenger
            Trial for printing “advertisements” or political cartoons
            Freedom of the press

French and Indian War
            French/ English World domination + North America

William Pitt
            Conquest of North America
            Able to borrow/ raise money to win the war
John Wolfe Jeffrey Amhearst           
            Small pox blanket scheme

Sons of liberty- Samuel Adams
James Otis- “no Taxation without representation
Crispus Attucks- Killed in Boston Massacre

Tea Act- Boston Tea Party
Intollerable Acts- Close down Boston Harbor: revoked Massachusetts’ charter: Soldiers housed: Administration of justice act: Quebec Act 

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