Tuesday, September 27, 2011

History Questions

1)Hurt: Spread diseases
Help: Spiritual and tribal empowerment

2) The French gave Nova Scotia to the Britains, and the Britains told the Acadians that they would either have to swear allegiance to them or leave.

3)Lack of cultural understanding caused the French to become uneasy with the native's traditional war ceremonies which involved scalping and scavenging. This was probably weird to the French because the French were not taught to fight and celebrate like this.

4) M: Thinks indians way is savagery
    J: Becomes native and use native warfare

5)George Washington, Half king, Edward Braddock

notes +

King Philip’s War
            -Summer 1676
            -Metacom/ King Philip
            -Vicious War/ Mohegan Indians

Nat Bacon’s Rebellion
            Governor Berkeley limits colonist expansion
            Bacon Raises troups and kills Indians.
            Berkeley declares Bacon an outlaw
            Bacon burns down Berkeley’s mansion
            British troops hang Bacon’s followers

Salem Witch Trials
Important: Shows the danger of church and state connection

Great Awakening
            Jonathan Edwards- Religious Revival: “Sinners in the hands of the Angry god”
            Heads to the founding of many universities:Princeton, Brown, Rutgers, Dartmouth
            Divisions of Church/state
            Spirit of toleration

John Peter Zenger
            Trial for printing “advertisements” or political cartoons
            Freedom of the press

French and Indian War
            French/ English World domination + North America

William Pitt
            Conquest of North America
            Able to borrow/ raise money to win the war
John Wolfe Jeffrey Amhearst           
            Small pox blanket scheme

Sons of liberty- Samuel Adams
James Otis- “no Taxation without representation
Crispus Attucks- Killed in Boston Massacre

Tea Act- Boston Tea Party
Intollerable Acts- Close down Boston Harbor: revoked Massachusetts’ charter: Soldiers housed: Administration of justice act: Quebec Act 

Monday, September 26, 2011

New history

King Philip’s War
            -Summer 1676
            -Metacom/ King Philip
            -Vicious War/ Mohegan Indians

Nat Bacon’s Rebellion
            Governor Berkeley limits colonist expansion
            Bacon Raises troups and kills Indians.
            Berkeley declares Bacon an outlaw
            Bacon burns down Berkeley’s mansion
            British troops hang Bacon’s followers

Salem Witch Trials
Important: Shows the danger of church and state connection

Great Awakening
            Jonathan Edwards- Religious Revival: “Sinners in the hands of the Angry god”
            Heads to the founding of many universities:Princeton, Brown, Rutgers, Dartmouth
            Divisions of Church/state
            Spirit of toleration

John Peter Zenger
            Trial for printing “advertisements” or political cartoons
            Freedom of the press

French and Indian War
            French/ English World domination + North America

William Pitt
            Conquest of North America
            Able to borrow/ raise money to win the war
John Wolfe Jeffrey Amhearst            

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

french + indian

1)It was a great trade position, all water route, and a great military defense.
2) because this allowed the French to quickly move trade.
3) Iroquois, Delewares, Shawnee
4) George Washington, Half king, Edward Braddock
5) Courage, perseverance, determination

Monday, September 19, 2011


1)Friendly trade partners. The puritans did not like the Pequots’ religion.
2) The Pequots were the most powerful tribe in the river valley. Not friendly.
3)For religious freedom. To create a land created by their religion
4)Pequots thought of land as they could work with it to create something. Puritans thought that if you didn’t change the land then you didn’t own it. The women usually did all of the work in the tribes, but the puritan men usually did all the work while the women sat at home. The puritans fought to wipe out countries and tribes, while the pequots fought to simply injure.
5)the Britans later became hostile to the Indians, while the dutch maintained trade and kept on good terms.
6)Their economy was completely about trade, and they didn’t tame their land. I think that the puritans religious views were what fueled the destruction of the pequots. The pequots had previous control to the land so by my opinion the pequots.
7) Because the Pequots were the most powerful force at the time. No, simply because the pequots were already enemies with them and they saw the opportunity to claim that land.
8) If the puritans came in peace then they probably would’ve accepted the pequots’ religious views with more ease. This would’ve definetly not destroyed their relationship, and the colonies would probably been filled with trees.
9) Casinos. Like receiving 1 million dollars literally.
10) Divided the spoils of the Pequot war. The treaty split all of the Pequots up into different tribes as slaves.
11) Probably the Peqouts stories, personal accounts written by slaves. Diaries and journals from the old colonies. Yes because it shows the views of the Pequots and the Puritans and how they were each struggling for land.
12) It knocked out a complete tribe, and opened up more land for the Puritans.