Thursday, November 17, 2011

HIstory Quest.

What was the 1st constitution? What powers did it give the government?
The article of confederation. Joined the 13 colonies together that legally established the states as America.

What was the paradox of the war.
THe british either brought more political problems by winning the war  and their land and territories along with it.

What was washington's main strength as a commander? Why did he win the war?
He was calm and knew that as long as he had an american army there would be freedom.He fought a war of endurance.

What were the four points of the peace of paris.
1) independence in America
2)Canada remain british and boundary be drawn
3) Boundaries for the 13 colonies
4)Freedom for fishing off of Newfoundland

Why did slavery increase during REV. war.
Because civilizations in the south thought that the only way they could replenish their profit was by increasing the slave work force.

Who were the big losers.
France- This war cost the french economy, because they aided the Americans the most.
America- I say this because America had the most casualties from the three groups.
Britain- Britain lost a very large chunk of land to a ragtag bunch of pitchfork wielding americans.

What happened to loyalists afetr the war.
Most loyalists moved away to the West, Canada, or back to Britain. Others that chose to stay had to face prejudice.

Most important battles.
Lexington and COncord- first military contact between the two forces
Siege of fort Ticonderoga- An american victory against the british, capture of a near invincible fort
battle of saratoga- turning point for american revolution

5 reasons why the americans won.
Britain was fighting at the end of a very long supply
The american troops were to spread out for the british to cover them all
The cost was too much for the British
The spirit of General Washington
The help from the french, dutch, and spain

Why did the british strategy make little sense.

How did Brits fail to win in 1776? who was in charge?
General Howe going easy on Americans, and the weather. General Howe was in charge.