Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chapter 5 section 2 notes

British red coats move into center of Boston and act rudely and violently toward colonists. March 5, 1770 colonist go on a rampage. Soldiers got scared and fired back killing 5 colonists, naming this event the Boston Massacre. People start boycotting British goods, and British remove taxes off everything but tea causing colonists to think  they won. East India trading company almost broke, British didn't levy tax and bypass colonial merchants, made their tea cost less for colonists. Colonists boycott tea, make every ship turn around in every port except Boston. 1772 people dress up as indians and throw approximately 350 chests of tea into harbor. 1774 British make town meetings not allowed. Also made so Boston couldn't receive supplies until tea payed for, and also had to house soldiers.